I ate my usual banana, yogurt, and coffee this morning along with peach.

I stood on the scale this morning to see what my weight was like.  I was surprised to find that I had ballooned to 199 pounds, which, as an after thought makes sense in light of all the refined sugar products have been eating, i.e., cake, donuts, Mexican baked goods.  However, I was surprised because my shirts and pants were fitting a little looser.

I suspect this is because I am losing muscle mass, which is heavier than fat mass.  But then again it doesn’t make sense.  The only thing I can think is that I am eating more than I usually do and so the weight accounts for the food in my system.

The number 199 is a scary number because it is close to 200 and closer to 230, which was my weight at my heaviest, than 140, my weight at its lowest.  Accordingly, I started walking this morning again instead of sitting on my bum.

I have been using the restroom more, something that was always a problem when I did not eat as much.  And, not to be too gross about it, but my bowel movements have been a lot more … “sticky” I guess is the best way to describe it.  This may back up the theory that I have that I am suffering from a internal ulcer. 

I notice too that I much more flatulent when can be embarrassing when in social situations.

The data shows that vegetarians, and particularly vegans, use the bathroom at a greater frequency than meat eaters and spend less time on the toilet.  Thinking like Howard Hughes, it would make sense the more you poop, the more of the weight you you are loosing.  Of course, I am no expert body mechanics, only a person concerned about weight increase.   

I read an article in the Atlantic today which said weight loss is not tricky as everyone makes it, just financially inconvenient, which is what I have always realized.  The trick is to eat plenty of nuts, vegetables, and wheat products and avoid meat and refined sugars.  So I have decided to try to move more and eat less of those foods, which albeit are meatless, are still bad for you.



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