Vegetarianism: Day One

I recall about ten years ago, I tried vegetarianism.  I think about 25% of my dabble into meatless living was about willpower . The other 75% of my youthful dalliance was about being as cool as I could be. 

Vegetarianism invokes political connotations, the reverence for the sacredness of life, the recognition that all things that are capable of movement without being tied to the ground were deserving of respect such that they should be equated to the human.

I remember when my wife's first cat passed away, she advised me that she had consulted with our priest at the time who told her in the most insensitive way that he r dear friend would not be entering the Kingdoms of God since her pet did not have a soul.

Vegetarianism somehow is dependent on the recognition that animals do have something akin to a Soul.  Many of the advertisements of PETA, the hardcore animals rights activist group, relies upon the sympathy garnered by looking into the eyes of animals typically slaughtered to be served for dinner.

Most of the animals used are photogenic, cute, prime specimens of the animal sought to be protected.  There is an assumption by PETA that there is such thing as an ugly animal.  It is almost hysterical that PETA uses models to promote their message, women bred and maintained to be extreme forms of beauty.

Vegetarianism, at least in a weak form, is not unfamiliar to me.  As a Catholic, I try and usually adhere to the fasting requirements during the Lenten season. And I think that its my struggle during this sacred time that I think provides an insights into why vegetarianism is so difficult: like most people, I just don't like to be told I can't do something.  It is anti-American.

This day one of my vegetarian journey.

I ate a banana and yogurt this morning, something I do I very morning.  I had a lunch of fruits and vegetables along with a serving quinoa fur lunch.  I had a cheese sandwich and a yogurt again for dinner.  I'm doing okay today. But there are thirty days to go.  I wonder if the thirty days of denial will break down my willpower and I will succumb to a nice, fat, juicy burger.



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